Tuesday, October 28, 2014


            Boy, did I ever get a wake up call this morning. As usual, getting to school was rush, rush, rush….but we got there by 7:30am. Joshua is still having a bit of a difficult time when we drop him off but he settles within a few minutes and does well for the rest of the time. Today, he wimpered as I gave him to the
teacher but, Praise God, it was not an all out cry/scream we usually get. At the school, I have many of the young kids want to shake my hand…because I am white….but I have made a conscious decision not to shake their hands. I will say “bonjour” and wave, but I don’t shake their hand. If I shake even one child’s hand, I am inundated with multiple kids surrounding me, just to shake my hand. Joshua becomes very intimidated with so much attention from so many kids and then it becomes very difficult to leave him at the school. To stop some of the blatant attention, I usually interact very little with other children at the school….with the exception of one little girl. She is so tiny, and adorable and once in a while, she will run and give me a huge hug. That behaviour, I embrace.

            My awakening came when I was walking home from dropping the kids off at school. When I am walking alone, without Charles, many people who walk past me put out their hand to ask for money. As a result, I don’t make eye contact with many people to avoid the confrontation. As I continued on my way, I saw a man coming towards me in the distance. Right away, I made a judgement based on what I thought he was wearing. From a distance, on his very thin frame it appeared as if he was wearing dirty red/brown jeans and an old dirty dress shirt. As we approached each other, I was thinking how I would respond when he asked me for money. I had already made my judgement on this man. When we were very close, I realized how wrong I was. The jeans were not supposed to be “blue jeans” but rather a greyish brown, and a bit stylish… and the shirt was clean but he wore it casually. Another young man beside us started talking to him and his face broke out in one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. The two men engaged in a very friendly and jovial conversation but because of my judgements, I missed a friendly greeting with a very nice young man.

            It got me thinking as to how do these automatic judgments quietly weave their way into our hearts and minds? Do we always recognize when we have made a preliminary judgement against someone else? Are we in tune to our own thinking where we recognize and correct ourselves when we have made a misjudgement? God tells us in the Bible, “Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:1,2 NIV) Lord, forgive me for my judging heart against others; help me to recognize and change my mindset. Thank you, Lord, for a renewing every morning. Great is thy Faithfulness my Lord.

Savana reading a story
            For our family, this week has been very interesting spiritually. On Sunday, Savana was reading the book “Have You Filled a Bucket Today” by Carol McCloud in the morning before church. The concept of the book fit completely with what Charles was preaching on… ..encouraging others. Savana bravely went to the front of the chapel, infront of 250 people she bravely read the book. She did an awesome job and we are very proud of her!
Staff/students encouraging each other
            Micah has been our little evangelist. At school, he is asking all his classmates if they know God. He was shocked to find out that some kids at school don’t even know God. It is great to be in a country where we can talk about God freely and openly anywhere! As he and I were talking yesterday, we got talking on how Jesus and God are the same which lead into the discussion about the Holy Trinity.  I was surprised to hear the
 questions coming from ou young 5 year old boy. At the end, I am not sure if he fully understood the Trinity; my goodness, many adults have difficulty understanding the concept, let alone a young child! I am sure there will be many more discussions such as this but I thank God for His Spirit being active in Micah’s heart.
Darla & Savana with GIA girls
            School at GIA is going well. Students are settling in and getting into a routine. Charles is having fun teaching his classes, personally ministering to staff and students, and working at making chapel fun and exciting. I have been kept busy on the nursing side of things. Daily I see approximately 20-25 students when I am there in the morning. A praise item: We are now 2 months into the school year and we have NOT had one case of malaria, and only 1 case of typhoid (the student had it when he arrived at the school).  Yahoo!! I have worked with the leadership of GIA to incorporate stricter rules for using mosquito nets and for incorporating hand washing, and the results are paying off! Please continue to pray for wisdom for me in deciphering true illnesses with the students. Some students want to go home so they create symptoms to say they are sick. I had one girl who started with a small scratch on her leg but she took foreign substances and rubbed in the wound to create a deep, infected wound. Other grade 7 students are in my office 2-3 times every morning with a variety of “ailments”. Sometimes I need good assessment skills to know if the students are telling me the truth and are truly sick, or if they are creating sickness.
            We pray for blessings over each and every one of you who are walking this journey with us. Continue to pray for us as we work with the staff and students at GIA. Please also pray for our finances to continue to come in. We are planning to be in Burundi until April 2015 but currently our financial status is a bit short. Thank you for those who have provided financially for us during this time and if God leads you to give towards our mission, you can do it through two organizations. Bridges of Hope, based in Lethbridge, as well as Youth Unlimited Edmonton (aka Youth For Christ).
God Bless,
     Darla Balenga

Online Donations:
https://yuedmonton.com/index.php/donate/how-to-donate (Project: Charles and Darla Balenga)

Bridges of Hope,    PO Box 81 Stn Main,    Lethbridge, AB,    T1J 3Y3    CANADA

(877) 460-6036

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Getting Back Into The African Groove

            If you would like to follow us on a more daily basis, you can follow our facebook page “Balenga Mission to Burundi”. It has been a couple of weeks since I have written. Myself and the kids have been fighting throat infections and bad colds. In the rainy season, the temperatures vastly change, and very
Micah and his fort

Elijah and Joshua on their castle
Savana and her friend
Doing pullups on the B-ball net

quickly! Now, we are all feeling much better and only Savana and Joshua have residual coughs. Occasionally Elijah and Micah say they are not feeling good when they don’t want to go to school! One very good thing with the rainy season, most of the energy used in Burundi is green energy and the cells are rejouvenated with the rain….therefore, we have electricity more often. Yeah! Joshua is often heard yelling….”Yeah, the power is on!”

local store

"school bus"
            The kids are finally into a routine for school! In the mornings, it is a race to see who can get dressed the quickest in their school uniform….even Joshua gets into the challenge. I am including a few pictures of school life….one is of the local store that is just outside the school gates (in case one needs to buy a bignet, a drink or some other small item). Another picture is of the “school bus”, as I call it. It is a truck with a 3 sided cage that arrives at school. The children of the families who pay for the “bus” all climb into the back and it gives them a ride home. This picture is taken when the preschool is over, but the truck returns when all the kids are out and there is usually 20+ kids crammed into the back. I usually shudder when I see the truck barreling down the main roadway with a truck full of kids!

At the clinic for stitches!
  Things at GIA have been busy. On an average morning I see 15-25 students who are sick or injured! Many of these illnesses/injuries are very minor but when you are dealing with kids who are away from home for the first time and they are still learning English, things take a lot longer to figure out.  I am amazed that we have so many students at the start of the year who have problems with their eyes. By Canadian standards, when you send your kids to school, one should have their kids eyes checked and glasses ready to go when school starts. We have so many kids who broke their glasses during the summer, or whose eyes started giving them pains, but the parents could not make time to have their child’s needs looked after. As a result, many of our kids are suffering from headaches, eyesight problems and are missing school because the parents could not take time for their kids basic needs. I know that no matter where one lives, life can get very busy. But God has entrusted very precious gifts to us…..our children! We need to make sure that we are making time for our kids and letting them know they are important in life and to us!

LOVE IN ACTION - discipleship group

washing floors
washing shoes and backpacks
GIA girls with some of the orphans
            Charles has been busy getting “Love in Action” off the ground. Two weeks ago they had their first Love in Action with the discipleship team for this year. The group of 20+ kids went to the orphanage, Homes of Hope, and washed the shoes of the orphans and washed the houses where the orphans sleep. The kids and I could not attend as we were sick but we got to see all the pictures! I will let Charles write another blog on that event. 

Thank you to everyone for continuing your support for us!  A few people have asked if the Ebola is affecting us...the answer is NO! We are in East Africa which is over 3000 miles away from the Ebola affected area. We always love to hear from our supporters....it is good to get news from home. Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone!

God bless,
      Charles & Darla,
           Savana, Elijah, Micah, Joshua

If you would like to donate to our mission, you can donate through the Youth for Christ Edmonton website or Bridges of Hope website earmarked "burundi mission".


OR if you prefer you can contact Bridges of Hope via mail:

Bridges of Hope 
PO Box 81 Stn Main
Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3