Monday, January 6, 2014

Tickets are purchased

We are now counting down the days....January 21 is the day we leave! So much to do before then....starting to cancel accounts, clean out the house, and pack. Each day I think of more things we need to's amazing how tied we get to things here in Canada.

We are still needing to raise more funds. Our hope is to be able to stay for a year in Burundi but right now we will plan to come back in the beginning of July to do some more fundraising for a month or two and then go back. God is in control of everything, and we are trusting in his leading in all this.

This Saturday, January 11, 2014, Ethiopian friends are having a fundraiser at their place.....just west of Edmonton off Hwy 16....starting around noon and will go throughout the afternoon! There will be an Ethiopian flavour to the afternoon but it will be a fun time of food, dance, culture and making new friends.All are welcome to attend, please let me know if you and your family would like to come so we can make sure we have enough food. It will be a time where Charles and I will also share about our mission to Burundi. This will be the last event before we leave! If the Lord is leading you to be a part in this adventure with us prayerfully, please send us an email so we can keep in contact with you; if He is leading you to financially be a part of this, you can donate through either Youth For Christ Edmonton website or Bridges of Hope website....please earmark donations with "Burundi Mission". A special thank you to everyone who has already decided to walk this journey with us!

The kids have returned to school for 2 more weeks...which will hopefully give me a chance to get more done! Micah and Joshua are home but they are pretty good at entertaining themselves....or I may ask them to help mommy pack :) Not sure how that would go!

I have two to three more shifts to work and then I will be dropping to casual status at the hospital. I will return within the 6 month requirement to work a few shifts.

We ask you to keep our family in your prayers over the next couple of weeks as we prepare to make this move. We especially ask for prayer regarding our house here in Canada. We find out tomorrow if it is sold...the family is just waiting to hear back from the bank. If this falls through, we have a management company to rent our house for us while we are gone. Pray for God's will to be done in all of this!

We encourage you to keep correspondence with us as we appreciate hearing from each of you....this will especially will be important once we are in will be good to share with our kids what is going on in Canada!

Thank you and God Bless,
              Charles and Darla Balenga

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