Monday, March 24, 2014

Joy in Heaven When a Sinner Comes to Christ

For the past 4 weeks, I have been preaching a series on Colossians. Today I preached from Colossians 2:6-15 on a subject I entitled, “Life in Christ”.
Before the start of the service, a student came to see me and told me that he wanted to talk to me. I said yes let’s talk. He told me that he just wanted to ask me to be baptized. He didn’t even know that my sermon today included a talk on baptism as verse 12 of our passage in Colossians 2 talked about baptism. And as school staff, we had already been considering offering baptism to students. I told David that this was divinely appointed as I had already planned to talk about baptism today. So that was one of the great things God did today.
After talking to David, I talked to another student who needed to make a public apology. He ended up making a good touching apology and it was good for others to hear.
Now, in this Colossians passage, Paul says to the Colossian Christians in verses 6 and 7 that just as they have received Christ as Lord, they are now to continue living in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in faith and overflowing with thankfulness.
The whole passage and the message turned out to be special. I asked the congregation if Paul was writing to us today, would he say, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him”? This question is important because to continue living in Christ, one must first receive Him. So I challenged the congregation to make sure they first received Christ as Lord before they can be able to continue living in Him.
After the service; one student came to ask to talk to me. He told me that he would really want to receive Christ but he doesn’t know how. So I took him to my office. I explained first Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned and fell short of God’s glory. I explained confession and repentance of sins. Then I led him to receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour. Then I asked him to also pray in his own words. The young man was in tears as he prayed. Then I talked to him on how he can now start living and growing in Christ. It was such a wonderful experience leading that Grade 8 student to Christ.
In Colossians 2:7, Paul exhorted Colossians to overflow in thankfulness. During the message, I gave the students as well as staff the opportunity to come forward to express thankfulness. Two staff and two students shared joyfully their thankfulness.
At the end of my sermon, I asked students and staff, as a way of applying thankfulness, to get out of their seats and go express thankfulness to each other and to staff and staff to staff as well as staff to students. It was so well received and our chapel was overflowing with thankfulness.
I thank God so much for what He is doing with us at Gitega International Academy. Students as well as staff are being transformed more and more into the image of Christ. We see students growing in Christ before our own eyes.
Our “Love in Action” continues to inspire students as well as staff. Today one grade 7 Student came to remind me to allow the Grade 7 students to also be part of the “Love in Action”. These students from affluent families, who only knew being served now don’t want any opportunity to serve others pass them by. God is definitely at work at GIA and we are overjoyed with being part of it.

Our family is doing well. Joshua, our last born who is now staying home as we pulled him out from school, is very happy being at home. He is starting to get used to Ode, his babysitter. Joshua now prays often at supper time thanking God for staying home.
Micah, our 4 and half years old, who at first didn’t not like school because he didn’t know French, among other reasons, is now starting to speak a bit of French and seems to understand it more. He is now talking more about school and about his teacher and fellow students positively.
Elijah is more and more happy. He loves school as well as soccer. He is now keeping me in shape with his constant requests for me to play soccer with him. Both Elijah and Micah now have at least 3 boys’ friends who are now visiting them regularly. 
Last night Savana announced that she didn’t want to go back to Canada. She is like, “Why would I want to go to Canada where I rarely see my friends? Here I have so many friends and I see them every day.” She is so right because our house is now like all the neighborhood kids’ home. Sometimes they are so many it makes you wonder if we should consider opening a Day home school in our house for all the neighborhood kids and our own; just kidding.

Mama Savana officially started her work at GIA this past week. She also ended up teaching many classes as she was covering for the sick Science teacher as well as one of my classes as I attended an important meeting. She also did some Nursing work with students. This coming week she has a full week as she will be teaching on health.
I am really enjoying teaching Biblical Studies as well as Leadership. In Biblical studies, we are now studying Philippians. The students are really enjoying learning from the Book of Philippians. Philippians has many similar messages with the Book of James. Last week, in Leadership, we looked at John Maxwell’s book, “Today’s Matters” and we looked at chapter 7, “Today’s thinking gives me an advantage”. This chapter like many previous ones from this book is full of great teaching.   
Savana is so right; life in Burundi is getting better and better. We are really enjoying our Sundays. At lunch today, Mama Savana made pancakes and syrup again. You have to understand how much pancakes are a treat here in Burundi. Mama Savana, my dear wife, we thank you so much for treating us to pancakes and syrup. Actually for those who read my first posting, “The joy of life and ministry in Africa”, I have great news for you, the syrup was as excellent as the pancakes. It is so good to give Ferdinand, our Cook, a day off Sundays and be able to enjoy Mama Savana’s great cuisine.
God is good all the time. Be blessed; we love you all. Thank you for partnering with us.
Charles Balenga

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