Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Update on Visa Situation

Wow...what a process but above all, our God is good and faithful! We spent 2 hours with Jocelyn (Burundian) at the Visa office.....and we were getting Nowhere! There were two people in particular who were delaying and postponing the whole process for us....one was a secretary, and the other a police officer. But God is good. This morning, Charles talked with a close friend whom he grew up with in the Congo. This friend is a good friend of the chief at the visa office. After 2 hours, Jocelyn was trying to convince another officer to make an appointment for us with the chief visa officer but unsuccessful. Charles and I decided to get to the chief ourselves. We headed up the stairs with all the kids but we were met at the top by a closed door that said "no entry". We were going to turn around but just then, a lady came out so we asked her for permission to enter and were allowed to continue. We were then met by a police officer, who also allowed us to continue after a few questions. We headed down a small hallway that had many people waiting to pass through a secretary to get to the chief officer. Charles explained to the secretary that his "brother" is a friend of the chief visa officer. She asked us to wait for a few minutes. After about 5-10 minutes, we were ushered into the chief's office, we explained our situation and HE SIGNED FOR THE KIDS VISA'S!!! When we came out, the police officer who was prohibiting us from seeing the chief, had returned and was questioning how we were allowed in to see the chief visa officer. I thank God that he was at another place when we first approached the secretary! We also give Glory to God for allowing Charles to connect with his friend just a couple of hours before we needed to make the connection. After leaving the chief's office, we took the signed paperwork to the officers that finalize the process. He was very good, he chatted with the kids for a few minutes and then he and I talked a few minutes.
   Please continue to pray for the final process. In Africa anything can happen! We were told to pick up the passports in a couple of days but we will check tomorrow to make sure the process is being finalized. We saw God's hand at work today in many ways, and for that, I am thankful as well as humbled. God is good and even when Satan is trying to prohibit the process, our God still prevails!

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