Sunday, February 9, 2014

Canadian Raincoats Not Made for Africa!

A couple of days ago, we had a steady downpour of rain for 12 hours straight! Now, this is not a Canadian downpour....this is an African downpour! Today, our kids went outside in the rain in their "Canadian" rain gear....each and everyone of them became soaking wet after just a few minutes! To make things "sound" worse, the roofs are made with tin so the pounding rain sound is greatly amplified no matter where you are.

One day, after a few hours of rain, the kids were ready to go to school....all dressed up in their raincoats and rubber boots. When we got to school, not one other child had rainboots....only sandals! Even the teachers were asking what the kids were wearing. As if my kids didn't stand out enough already, the seeminly normal rubber boots in Canada, were not a normal thing in Burundi.

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